
Sunday, August 22, 2010


KehadapAn TEman2 SepeJUangan SekAliaN..
Agak lamer gak aku tk updated blog nih..
Hari nih aku nk berkongsi sikit ngan korang tentang masalah sosial remaja islam kita sekaran..
(bagi nk dengar teruskan bacaan tk nk sudah).
bukan nk kata aku nih perfect sgt.
aku pon samer gak cm korang suma.
tapi kalo kita imbas remaja kita sekarang dengan remaja zaman
80 an..
jauh berbeza..
kes pembuangan bayi semakin meningkat.
kes zina berleluasa.
ntah ape nk jadi aku tk tau.
jgn kita sekali2 salahkan ibu bapa,pihak media @ sesiapa pon..
pada pendapat aku masalah ini timbul disebabkan beberapa faktor utama..
1.cinta yg berlandaskan hawa nafsu..
2.kurang didikan agama..
3.pengaruh barat yg begitu berleluasa.

atas sebab diatas cuba kita muhasabah diri.
siapakah kita di atas dunia ini..
kita dicipta oleh Allah adalah sebaik2 ciptaanya..
mempunyai akal fikiran..
adakah kita bersyukur atas nikmatnya???
adakah layak kita kufur kepadanya???
aku ingin mengajak diri aku serta anda semua sempena bulan ramadhan yg mulia ini marilah kita cuba ubah diri kita ini..
kalau tk semua setidak2nya sedikit pon jadilah..
ingatlah adakah kita sudah tentu menemui ramadhan pada tahun akan datang???
Allah maha berkuasa..
kita tidak tahu bilakah masa kita akan dijemput menamuinya..
adakah cukup amalan kita???
masih belum terlambat lagi untuk kita berubah..
kerana pintu taubat masih lagi terbuka..
ingatlah Allah sentiasa menarima taubat hamba2nya yg benar2 ingin bertaubat..
malilah kita sama2 ambil masa sekurang2nya hanya 5 minit muhasabah diri kita..
cukup setakat ini untuk kali ini.
akhir kata tepuk dada tanya selera..

yang benar..

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Aging Effect

This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to add on the years to almost anybody. It’s basically a practice using the Burn and Dodge tools. This is a fairly advanced tutorial, so it helps to have a little bit of artistic talent, even though I don’t. Go ahead and select the Burn tool [O].


Now, I might have a slight advantage, since I’m using a Wacom tablet. Tablets are the perfect compliment to Photoshop for almost any project. If you have the means, I highly suggest picking up at least a Wacom Graphire 3. You can usually find them for under $100. Tablets let you control the sensitivity of your brushes by how much pressure you apply.


If you don’t have a tablet, then you’ll want to get used to using your [Enter] key on your number pad. This allows you to quickly jump to your Exposure setting in the Options bar. You’ll also want to get familiar with your [{] and [}] keys. These keys allow you to quickly adjust your brush size. Ready?

Another helpful tip, is to go to [Window > Arrange > New Window]. This will duplicate the window, not the image, and allow you to keep one window at 100%, while you do your work in the zoomed-in window. This helps you from having to repeatedly zoom in and out.

Let’s open the photo of the person that we’re going to be aging. I chose this photo of Salma Hayek, for one, cause she’s hot, and for two, she already has a bit of natural wrinkle going on… which is good to start with.


Select a small brush size of 2 or 3. Make sure the Range is set to “Midtones” in your Options bar. Start with the eye area and start brushing some straight lines for the wrinkles. Now these won’t look too realistic yet, so hold the [Alt] key and trace the lines you just made. This will highlight (Dodge) and add some depth to the wrinkles.


Now start tracing the natural lines of the face and extend the lines a little bit. This will strengthen and lengthen the natural wrinkles.


Now choose an even smaller brush size of 1 or 2, and add some “accent” wrinkles. Use the same Burn, then Dodge technique.


Select a wider brush size of around 4 or 5. Lower the Exposure to around 3-4% and darken in the areas around her eyes, the cheeks, and some of the wrinkles.

Now go to the neck region. Up your Exposure a bit, hold the [Alt] key and create some thick white lines vertically on her neck. Let got of the [Alt] key and trace the light lines. Add a little bit more shadow if you need, and try to make it blend into the chin.


Now you can go back and add any little accent wrinkles you want.


Now choose the Brush Tool [B] and select the Grass brush.


Open the Brushes palette [Window > Brushes] and under the Shape Dynamics, check on the Flip X Jitter and Flip Y Jitter checkboxes.


Choose a white foreground color and a grey background color. Create a new layer, and shrink your brush size to around 5 or 7. Paint in the eyebrows a little bit. Set the Layer Mode to “Hard Light” and you might want to lower the Opacity a bit. This will add some grey highlights to the eyebrows.


Now you can go back and add some forehead wrinkles, and darken the teeth a little bit. Create a new layer and choose the Brush Tool [B] choose a darker skintone color, and paint some liver spots. Set the Layer mode to Multiply and adjust the opacity.


Now choose a thin brush and the Brush tool. Choose a grey color and paint in some hair strands. Lower the opacity, create another layer, and do it again. This will add some depth to the grey hair.


And that’s about it. It’s hard to write a tutorial like this, because it’s more about technique than the process. Hopefully, with some practice, you can get pretty good at this.





Create beautiful golden skin effect using three different ways
Today i will tell you three new ways to make a beautiful golden skin effect using 3 different color modes: RGB, Lab and CMYK. By picking up new color we can set the tone we want.
You should choose the good quality image to get better result.
I use this stock:

1. RGB :

1a. Duplicate your pic. Sharpen, soften skin it if need.
Press Ctrl+L to adjust levl. Choose Options to set new color:

Set midtones and shadows as defaut, and change highlight with fae78d .

After clicking ok, change input level like this:

Click No when you are asked to set new color as default.

1b. Create new brightness/contrast and Selective color layer:

1c. New level layer:

We have final effect:

2. Lab color:

2a. Duplicate your pic. Change the mode to Lab color without flattening layers.
Press Ctr+L to adjust levels on b channel. Choose options, and set f3d0d0 for shadows:

Change the mode to RGB . We have:

2b. Create a new selective color layer, adjust on Yellows channel:

I really like this effect but if you want, you can adjust the tone. Levels is correct if your pic is still dark or too strong tone:


3. CMYK :

3a. Duplicate the base. Change the mode to CMYK. Press Ctrl+L to adjust levels:

Choose Options and replace color like that:

Press No when you are asked to set such color to default.

You should change the mode to RGB before saving your image otherwise your pic tone will look darker after saving in CMYK.

3b. New Selective color layer :

3c. Now you can adjust the tone and lightness by Levels or Curves. I use Curves:

We're done:

Final effects from different modes:

Our objective here is to make a Matrix wallpaper. We will be using images of a set of warriors (or anyone for that matter) and will try to incorporate it into Matrix look wallpaper. The “green” effect will be what we shall try to obtain and also the falling numerical and stuff. So here goes. Starting from the basics of Photoshop :) .

I used CS2. The shortcuts etc may vary in later versions so I shall not be referring to them here. We will take the long cuts here. Besides, shortcuts can be reconfigured in Photoshop.

Step 1

Click on File-New to create a new Canvas. In the Preset menu select A3 (used because it the standard size for printing). Also choose CMYK color mode if you have printing in mind. Now we have out canvas.

Step 2

Rotate the canvas to the longitudinal orientation. Go to Image-Rotate Canvas to get the correct orientation.

Step 3

Get the images of the people you want in you wallpaper. Here we shall use 1 and 2 as shown here. Try to get images with white backgrounds.

Step 4

Open the images in photoshop. Now we need to Cut out the men from it. Since the background here in white we can select him by using the Magic Wand tool.

This basically selects all connected areas with the same color to the point which we click on. Clicking on the white part here selects the entire white background (BG) as shown.

In order to select the guy, Right Click-Select Inverse. Now the inverse of the previously selected area is selected. ie the guy and not the BG.

Step 5

Choose the Move Tool and drag the selection (the guy) onto our new Canvas.

Step 6

Do the same thing with the second guy. We now have both the guys on our Canvas.

Now we need to make them both approximately the same size. Resizing the image is done using the Rectangular Marquee Tool. Select the layer to resize. Choose the Rectangular Marquee Tool.

Right Click-Free Transform. You can drag and resize by dragging the corners. In order to maintain the aspect ratio of the image (ie the length breadth ratio), hold down SHIFT key while resizing.

Now we have both the warriors in place for the rest of the fun ;)

Step 7

Get a good Matrix BG from the net. Open it in Photoshop. Choose Rectangular Marquee Tool. Press CTRL+A (to select the whole of the image). Choose Move Tool and drag it into our canvas. (This is the basic steps to follow to add whole images into our working Canvas)

Step 8

Note the Layers Box in Photoshop. This indicates the order of arrangement of the layers. The one on top will lie at the top and vice versa. Since we want the BG to be at the bottom, click and drag it to the bottom of the layers. Note that now the both the Warriors come in front of the the BG.

Step 9

Resize the BG to the proper size by following the Resize steps used earlier and obtain the overall layout of the wallpaper.

Step 10

Now comes the “Blending In” part. ie the BG and the Warriors have to go together to obtain the total look.

Step 11

We shall try to give a Shadowy look to the Warriors. Select the layer with him and Right Click-Blending options.

Choose Gradient Overlay.

Step 12

We want to obtain a Gradient such that the top part of the layer remains the same but the bottom has a black gradient. For this Click on the gradient. In the box, make both ends of the gradient Black. Then make opacity of one end 0. This gives the required look.

Repeat the same for both the Warriors.

Step 13

Now we need to give a Greenish tinge to both the Warriors to obtain the Matrix took. Select one of them and got to Filter-Render-Lighting Effects.

Step 14

Choose light type as Spotlight and under the Light Type section click on the color box and choose a light green color. Adjust the orientation of the Spotlight and get correct type of shadow on the bodies of the Warriors. Keep in mind how natural shadow looks to obtain a realistic effect. Repeat the same for both the warriors.

Step 15

We need to give a light source within the image to “explain” the shadows that we have added on the men (Think realistically!!).

Step 16

Choose the Matrix BG layer and go to Filter-Render-Lense Flare.

Step 17

Place the lense flare on the top Left corner. Repeat the same on the Top right corner as well.

Step 18

Now we want to add some more of the falling numbers around the Warriors, some of the them in front of them as well (It need not fall only behind them right?).

Step 19

Get the Matrix font from the net and install it.

Step 20

Click on Horizontal Type Tool to add Text. Click and drag to make a text box and type into it. Type so that the letters come one below the other.

Now we need to give it a greenish glow.

Step 21

Right click on the layer in the Layers Window and select Rasterize Type. Now Right-Click-Blending options.

Step 22

Choose Outer Glow and choose a green color for it. Increase the Spread and Size for the correct look. Repeat this for a varied look all over the image.

Now we have our own MATRIX WALLPAPER. Hope it was clear enough :)


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